I have this recipe from my mother-in-law. She always makes the roll for us whenever we come to visit. Here is my try.
Chocolate-Banana Roll |
The recipe is for one roll. If you want to make two like I did, please double the ingredients.
2 1/2 tbsp cake or semi-fine flour
5 tbsp sugar (I always use cane sugar or coconut sugar)
5 eggs
Filling and topping:
2 long streight bananas
50 g semi-sweet or cooking chocolate
6 tbsp water
100 g sugar
2 tbsp powdered cocoa
250 g butter
puffed millet (or shredded coconut or white chocolate or almond halves or whatever you'd like to have on top)
Line a large, flat baking pan with partchment paper so that you have extra paper sticking up from the sides to catch the runny batter. Set aside.
To make the dough: in a large bowl whip egg whites and sugar untill stiff peaks form, best with an electric mixer. One by one add egg yolks, then flour. Make sure the mixture is constantly thick. Pour the batter on the baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes on regular temperature.
When baked, place the dough with the parchment paper on a wet kitchen towel, roll it and let to cool.
In a small pot boil the water, sugar, chocolate and cocoa powder. When almost cool, mix in the butter.
Cover the roll with the remaing chocolate cream and sprinkle with puffed millet or decorate to your liking.